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William Lovell Church of England Academy

Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

Pastoral Care

At William Lovell C of E Academy we believe a settled pastoral team is critical to each student’s wellbeing, success and happiness. All students are allocated a tutor group on joining the school. To support with transition into Year 7 we endeavour to place our new intake with at least one other pupil whom they know, as this familiarity can help overcome any anxieties associated with moving into secondary education. Our form tutors will typically remain with the same group of students as they move through the year groups.

Aspirational Leads

 Another layer of pastoral support are the Aspirational Leaders. These are members of staff who look after and manage the year tutor groups at:

Year 7 : Mr G Andrews - Aspirational Lead (Transition and Key Stage 3)

Year 8 & 9 combined : Mr J Cussons - Aspirational Lead (Key Stage 3)

Year 10 & 11 combined: Miss J Wilmot - Aspirational Lead (Key Stage 4)

Their role is predominantly focused on promoting the many positive aspects of life in the Academy – the weekly and termly rewards programmes which, for example. They will also support with any issues where additional support or intervention is required for an individual student. The Aspirational Leaders will present in assembly to each year group weekly, as well as organise a ‘tutor-time’ activity routine which will help develop the community spirit of each tutor group and the whole year group.

It is recommended that the first point of contact for any parent / carer enquiry is with their child’s form tutor.

The Wellbeing Team

William Lovell C of E Academy is fortunate to have a dedicated team of Wellbeing Staff.  The team comprises a Wellbeing Officer and a Wellbeing Mentor.  These members of staff can be contacted by telephoning the school office or by requesting a meeting with them by asking any member of staff.  They can also be contacted directly via a dedicated email address:

Further Support and Information

 There is a wealth of information and support available on the internet.  We particularly recommend the following   free services:

 Kooth – online mental wellbeing community – information, forum, live chat

 Home - Kooth

 Young Minds – online information and helpline support

 YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds

 The Mix – online information, helpline, counselling service

 The Mix - Essential support for under 25s