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William Lovell Church of England Academy

Homework and Self Study

Homework and Self Study

Expectations: How much and by whom? 

The expectation of the length of homework will depend on the curriculum time for each subject; the nature of the work; the ability of the student, and the Year Group. 

How will my child know what is expected of them?

  • Homework is set through Show My Homework 
  • This is then communicated through Show My Homework direct parents

Further information on using Microsoft 365 and TEAMs can be found on the Virtual Learning page of this website.

Homework guide

In Key Stage 4:

Years 10 and 11 each subject will provide on average between 30 to 60 minutes of homework per week. 

Each class and students home study timetable will differ due to the timetable that they follow and the option at Key Stage 4 they have selected.  

Maths, English, Religious Studies and Science as compulsory subjects will set homework. Each student’s option subject will also set weekly homework’s. 

In Key Stage 3: 

In Year 7, 8 and 9 each subject will provide on average 30 mins of homework per week.

English, Maths and Science will set homework each week.  


Subject Clusters of Humanities, Creative Arts and Technology will formulate a thematic approach or coordinated approach. Each cluster of subjects will communicate this to students and parents in lessons and through TEAMS and Show My Homework. 

What will I be asked to do for Homework?

Homework can take a variety of forms; it will focus on quality not quantity and will focus on a phase of the TEEP cycle: 

  1. new knowledge- in preparation for a lesson  
  2. constructing meaning- embedding knowledge through retrieval practice and other methods 
  3. applying to demonstrate– showing what students know by applying this to different scenarios such as quizzes and exam style questions 
  4. review- reviewing learning through assignments and tasks which will ask students to reflect and complete improvement tasks on a previous concept or key piece of knowledge 


This will be done through a variety of ways, which may include: 

  • Flipped Learning: prepare work to be completed in the next lesson or phase of learning, e.g., read an article, make notes, watch a video and answer questions etc.
  • Learning to learn tasks to support in the development of self -study skills.
  • Self-study tasks modelled in lessons then home assignments set to develop learning and progress.
  • Writing tasks.
  • Note-taking and writing up notes taken in lessons.
  • Reading.
  • Learning – for example: facts, vocabulary, spellings, definitions, equations ready for assessments.
  • Completing coursework and assignments.
  • Projects for a series of home study assignments that are broken down into key success criteria.
  • Research.
  • Drawing or design work.
  • Preparing for discussions or presentations.
  • On-line learning on a variety of platforms such as Seneca, My Maths, Quizlet, Kahoot.
  • An opportunity to provide the teacher with feedback about a topic e.g., notes, report-back preparation, self-assessments
  • Answering questions.
  • Completing worksheets.
  • Home experiments.
  • Building prototypes.
  • Revising for tests and exams using exam techniques and self -study skills developed through self-study opportunities.